Boost your immunity and maintain the balance of your intestinal flora with 8 strains and 800 billion live bacteria per sachet.

Sivomixx® 800 contains a high concentration of bacteria, 800 billion per sachet, to ensure the colonization and restoration of the gut barrier in specific health conditions. It is a high quality product, with proven safety of use and clinically tested. Cold chain is maintained during the entire manufacturing process to ensure the viability and vitality of the bacteria.

It is a high quality product, with proven safety of use and clinically tested. Cold chain is maintained during the entire manufacturing process to ensure the viability and vitality of the bacteria.

  • Streptococcus thermophilus DSM 32245/CNCM I-5570
  • L. acidophilus DSM 32241/CNCM I-5567, L. helveticus DSM 32242/CNCM I-5573,
    L. paracasei DSM 32243/CNCM I-5568, L. plantarum DSM 32244/CNCM I-5569,
    L. brevis DSM 27961/CNCM I-5566
  • B. lactis DSM 32246/CNCM I-5571, B. lactis DSM 32247/CNCM I-5572
  • The recommended daily intake is 1 to 2 sachets. It is recommended to take Sivomixx® 800 just before bedtime. The improvement can already be felt after a few days, the optimal colonisation is achieved in 2-3 weeks.
  • Open the sachet and pour the contents into a glass of water or fruit juice or any other cold, non-carbonated drink. Mix well and take immediately.
  • Keep Sivomixx® sachets in the refrigerator (+2-8°C). Sivomixx® sachets can stay out of the refrigerator (<25°) for up to one week without affecting its potency.