Restore the balance of the intestinal flora with 8 strains and 200 billion live bacteria per sachet.

Microbiotic with a concentration of 200 billion live and active bacteria per sachet to:

  • Maintain the balance of the intestinal flora.
  • Restore the intestinal barrier.

Sivomixx® 200 contains the probiotic mix known as Slab51®, 8 different strains of lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria.

  • Streptococcus thermophilus DSM 32245/CNCM I-5570
  • L. acidophilus DSM 32241/CNCM I-5567, L. helveticus DSM 32242/CNCM I-5573,
    L. paracasei DSM 32243/CNCM I-5568, L. plantarum DSM 32244/CNCM I-5569,
    L. brevis DSM 27961/CNCM I-5566
  • B. lactis DSM 32246/CNCM I-5571, B. lactis DSM 32247/CNCM I-5572
  • The recommended daily dose is 1-2 sachets depending on the body weight. The improvement can already be felt after a few days, the optimal colonisation is achieved in 2-3 weeks.
  • Open the sachet and stir the contents into 100 ml of cold non-carbonated drink, yogurt or applesauce and ingest immediately.
  • Keep Sivomixx® sachets in the refrigerator (+2-8°C). Sivomixx® sachets can stay out of the refrigerator (<25°) for up to one week without affecting its potency.